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Why Restore Exists

From Founder, Trayce Madré
Starting my haircare brand had so much to do with all the private conversations on hair I've had with thousands of women over 2 decades! I know so much about the things that aren't spoken. I'm learning more and more to trust my gut and do things that aren't out here because others haven't heard what I've heard. They haven't truly connected with the need to feel comfortable with one's self on their own personal terms. I accept women for who they are and I don't try to change them. I just deliver what makes them happy.
I'm able to truly grow hair because I don't lie to them and I offer real solutions and tell the truth about regimen, time it takes and make them feel beautiful with solutions and options along the way. I love restore so much because I really am RESTORE. I'm busy but need to be presentable. I have hair challenges that I work hard to manage and yet keep my hair healthy. I have conditions in my body where I can't have a lot of chemicals but I need real results. It's more for me about how I FEEL than what others THINK.
I pray my brand touches and heals the RIGHT woman. It don't want to sell to everyone, I'm committed to the woman that will have a strong connection to it RESTORE because it fits "her" principles. She will get it! She will definitely feel internally RESTORED💕💕💕💕